Beauty influencers earn their followers’ trust and loyalty by producing quality content, being reliable, authentic, and sometimes revealing personal details about their life––big and small. The most appealing elements are how relatable they are and how passionate they are about their craft and interests.
If social media influencers have these qualities, then they’re usually able to build credibility on social platforms.
Consistently posting quality content and showcasing work will help build a following. Influencers who engage with their followers start to develop meaningful connections virtually and in real-time, often gaining loyalty over the years.
Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter have given us personal access to celebrities over the last decade. Their interests, humor, and friendships are on display and make followers appreciate them more.
Sharing personal details of your life can be small and intimate, like the movies and books that interest you or photos of birthdays and karaoke soirees. When you share relatable details, you start conversations, big and small, with your followers.
Mario Dedivanovic
Attribution: Mario Dedivanovic
Mario Dedivanovic is a celebrity makeup artist famous for doing makeup on Kate Bosworth, Salma Hayek, and Kim Kardashian. Dedivanovic’s feed consists of his makeup on Kim Kardashian and other celebrity clients, as well as his product promotion with personal photos sprinkled in from trips abroad and with his family. Dedivanovic doesn’t post frequently but having clients like Kim Kardashian is a big draw.
If you’re a hairstylist and your social media feed has garnered you a following and given you business, then it’s probably essential to stick to the formula you have been using. Many popular hairstylists have perfected a very well-curated grid of beautifully photographed hairstyles.
Precious Beauty Collections LLC
Attribution: Preciousbeautyc
If you want to express yourself through your sense of humor, then check out the bold and beautiful gag queen Preciousbeautyc. She does a beautiful job with brows, but she pulls off a pretty daring prank before revealing the result to a client. Her videos will start with a countdown before she literally unveils the client’s brows. The gag is that she doesn’t remove the brow tint, leading the client to believe that what they are seeing is the final result.
This is a bold and risky prank because not every client will sense the humor. The point is that the brow specialist is sharing her work and her authentic spirit, setting herself apart while growing a significant following.
Having talent and a solid portfolio of work can be enough to captivate the interest of your followers, but sharing personal parts of yourself will create deeper connections and more memorable impressions.
Since Tik Tok became popularized in 2020, people have been creating video memes and quick video tutorials showing off their personalities and brands. Instagram quickly started transitioning its focus from photos to videos after Tik Tok took off, so sharing by way of videos will now prioritize the algorithm.
Olive & June
Attribution: Olive & June
Olive & June has expanded their brand since first starting out. Founded in Beverly Hills, it started as a salon, and now its team teaches followers how to do salon-quality nails from the comfort of their homes. There’s an engaging quality about their video tutorial content that seems personal, like each person hosting the video is sharing their styles and preferences while dishing out pro tips.
It’s up to you how much you’re willing to share online. The most important thing you can do is be authentic to yourself and your brand, and you’ll find your people.
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