Having skin problems can make your makeup routine very frustrating. If you have sensitive skin, acne, skin conditions or something else that impacts your skin health, you typically won’t be able to put on a lot of makeup without exacerbating those skin problems. What can you do to make it a little easier? Your best option is to take a few of these tips and implement them into your makeup routine for sensitive skin.
Determine Your Skin Type
The best thing to do first is determine your skin type. You’ll typically find four “types” of skin: dry, oily, normal and combination. Understanding your skin type is vital if you want to make sure you’re getting the right care and right products for your specific skin care needs. Find out your skin type, then use products targeted toward your specific skin type for best results.
Look At Ingredients, Not Advertisements
Just because a product says “all-natural” or “mineral” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe for sensitive skin. Instead of relying on what the product says on the front, read the ingredient list and see what’s in it. If you see a lot of perfumes and more than a few ingredients, you may want to skip that product just to be on the safe side.
Pay Attention to the Expiration Date
You probably don’t think much about expired makeup in your day-to-day life, but the fact is that the expiration date should be an important part of your makeup routine. Every month or so, go through and see what expired makeup products you still have. These expired makeup products can irritate your skin even further, even if they didn’t irritate your skin at one point.
Try Tinted Moisturizer Instead of Foundation
Does foundation make your skin feel heavy and cakey? You’re not alone. In an effort to make foundation a little more wear-friendly, some companies have developed tinted moisturizers that offer a bit of coverage without the full coverage that foundation uses. If you tend to have a hard time with foundation and want to let your skin breathe a little more, consider a tinted moisturizer.
Pigment May Be Your Enemy
You might love highly pigmented lipstick and eyeshadow, but if you have extremely sensitive skin, it may be a good idea to stay away from those options. Unfortunately, these can make your skin’s irritation grow even further, which can be genuinely harmful for people with skin conditions. If you have a skin condition serious enough to see a dermatologist, talk to your doctor about what makeup products you may want to leave off the table.
Less Is More
For many people with sensitive skin, the bottom line is that less is more. There’s nothing wrong with wearing makeup, even lots of very flashy makeup if your skin can handle it. However, many people with sensitive skin don’t have the skin resilience necessary to maintain that look. If you’ve noticed your skin breaking out, feeling itchy, or burning when you put on makeup, scale back your makeup routine.
Talk to an Expert
One good way to learn a little more about the potential options available to you is to talk to an expert. This is a great way to make sure you’re getting the right products for your individual skin care needs. If you want to talk to a knowledgeable student who understands skin care, visit an Ogle School salon in your area. You can choose from a wide variety of beauty procedures, all tailored to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

People with sensitive skin need to pay close attention to their individual skin care needs. It’s true that some people have a difficult time with makeup products due to sensitive skin, but that doesn’t necessarily need to hold you back. You just need to make sure you’re taking steps to combat the skin problems you have. If you’re looking for more information about your hair or skin health, consider booking an appointment at an Ogle School salon to learn more.