Anytime you’re interested in attending school to learn about something, you need to do research on it. After all, you’re going to invest time, money and effort into learning the most up-to-date information about a specific thing. At the very least, you need to be well-educated about it. Here are five of the best tips for finding an esthetics school in San Antonio, then we narrow down your choices to the best school for your needs.
1. Run General Searches About Schools in San Antonio
Search engines are a great option to start out. You should use a variety of search engines to start looking; Google and Yelp are both effective for casting a wide net, and it’s a good idea to use both so you don’t miss any. You can start with terms like “esthetics schools in San Antonio” or “esthetics courses in San Antonio.” If you want to maximize your reach, consider looking for terms like “beauty schools in San Antonio,” then seeing if the schools in question offer esthetics courses. This will give you the widest pool possible for potential schools to attend.
2. Talk to Anyone Who’s Gone to Esthetics School in San Antonio
If you know anyone who’s gone to esthetics school in San Antonio, this can give you a good jumping-off point. Although the first step will probably show you all the esthetics schools in the area, someone who’s gone to esthetics school in San Antonio has probably done a lot of this esthetics school research before. They might be able to give you information about their final contenders, why they chose the specific school they attended, and any warning signs they noticed about other schools in the area.
3. Get an Idea of Different Schools’ Reputations
After you graduate from a school, you’re going to put that school on your resume for the rest of your life. That means it’s a good idea to graduate from a school with a great reputation. Go to salons, spas and esthetics clinics in the area and see if any of them have opinions on the schools you’re most interested in. If you just ask whether they have any recommendations for schools, they’ll often be more than happy to tell you about the schools they would recommend you consider and the ones they would recommend you stay away from.
4. See What the School Itself Offers
Next, you’ll want to get information straight from the school itself. What’s in the curriculum the school teaches? Does the school have extracurriculars and outreach programs to help students connect with future employers? Is there a clinical salon to allow students to practice on real clients before they graduate? Will the school offer flexible scheduling for students who need it? These are all important questions to answer with every school you’re interested in attending at this point.
5. Talk to Staff Members of the School
Last, but certainly not least, it’s a good idea to talk one-on-one with staff members that actually work at the school. They’ll be able to answer more specific questions you may have about the school, and they’ll give you more information on questions you might not have been able to answer through the school’s website. Additionally, they can personalize information to help you with your unique journey. You can also ask them questions about how they feel about working there and what they enjoy about the esthetics courses at the school.

As you can see, this is a pretty extensive process. That’s because the esthetics school you attend will set the stage for your future career, and you need to make sure you’re attending a high-quality one. If you’re interested in attending an esthetics program like the one at Ogle School, you need to make sure you have a lot of information on it before you make a bid for the program itself. Put in the research before you request a tour at Ogle School.