Get the most out of your cosmetology education. Follow these great tips from Modern Salon!
1. Always be 15 minutes early.
Whether you arrive at an event fashionably late or are always the first person there, getting to school early every day gives you an advantage and the opportunity to prepare for class. Arriving early to school every day gives you an advantage and the opportunity to prepare for class. You’ll have plenty of time to clean and organize your tools, read ahead for class, and find a good seat close to the front of the classroom. One of the most important things employers look for is if you’re reliable. Get into the practice of being punctual, dependable and professional while you’re in school.
2. Dress for success.
You’re in the business of beauty, so show up to school every day looking put together. Express your personality through fashion while still taking pride in your appearance. You’ll look and feel professional, and you never know when a job opportunity will present itself.
3. Have respect for others.
Always respect your fellow students, instructors, and your clients. Any negativity can potentially create a toxic environment. Skills and punctuality are important, but being likable and flexible is the true key to success. In a field where customer service is important, attitude is everything.
4. Give your full attention to instructors.
While in school, use your instructor as a source of information. School is a bubble of creativity, a safe place to learn and hone your craft. Your instructor can fill you up with all the answers you are searching for and can pass on important trade secrets. Take constructive criticism as a chance to grow and further develop your skills.

5. Always show up prepared.
Success comes from preparation. That said, always come to class prepared and ensure you have all of the supplies and textbooks required. Be proactive. Read ahead in your text assignments, so when your instructor’s lecture, you’ll have a good grasp of what they’re talking about.
6. Get plenty of practice on the clinic floor.
Squeeze in opportunities for extra practice. Making time for practicing your craft is the perfect opportunity to develop your skills and techniques that may be challenging. The more challenges you take on, the more confident you will be in your craft. You’ll also expand your skill set, which means you can take on a variety of clients in your future career.
7. Talk to students who are close to graduation.
Look around the clinic floor for the experienced students who give high-quality cuts and service. Watch what they do, ask questions, and take notes. Most likely, they will be flattered that you asked, and now you have started to build up your network. When you’re ready to graduate, you can go back to your network to ask about the job hunt.
8. Make the most of guest speakers.
Guest speakers attend schools to give demonstrations on a multitude of topics. A speaker can be a salon manager, product distributor or industry expert. Your job is to do some research before the demonstration so you are prepared to ask them questions. Take the opportunity to engage with the speakers and build your network if the chance arises. What you get out of cosmetology school is what you put into it. It is your future, make the most of it.
Read the original article at Modern Salon.com.
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