If you’ve been looking for ways to improve your makeup game, glitter is definitely one of the top options. However, while glitter may seem cut and dry, there are many intricacies to using glitter on your skin. The good news, however, is that anyone can add glitter to their makeup—it’s not just something exclusive to professional makeup artists. With these tips and tricks, you, too, can incorporate glitter into your makeup routine.
Glittery Eyeshadow
Glitter eyeshadow is one of the best ways to incorporate glitter into your look, primarily because it’s so easy. With glitter eyeshadow, you don’t have to deal with loose glitter, and many eye makeup products already exist that provide a glittery look. Just add one of these metallic eyeshadow color options to your eye makeup and you’ll be good to go. You can often find both shimmer eyeshadows, which have a general metallic finish, as well as chunky glitter shadow, which may have actual flecks of glitter.
Glittery Colored Eyeliner
If you want to add a tiny bit of glitter to your makeup, ditch the black eyeliner and go with a glitter gel liner instead. You may be able to find peel-off glitter eyeliner, crayon shimmer shades, and bold liner pens in different colors. A winged liner is a great option when you’re using glittery-colored liner, as it allows people to see the glitter a bit more. If you’re using a specialty product, like peel-off glitter eyeliner, always check the instructions to make sure you’re using it properly.
Glitter Nail Polish
Nail polish has always been a go-to for adding any color of glitter to a look. Part of the reason for this is that you can find any color of glitter nail polish—gold glitter, blue shades, neutral tones, and much more. Apply your nail polish, add chunks of glitter if desired, and enjoy the subtle shine it adds to a look.
Cut Crease With Glitter
The glitter cut crease is a phenomenon that became huge back in 2016, and it hasn’t stopped yet. Most commonly, this utilizes a line of glitter on the top of the cut crease. You might get this look using an angled brush and some glitter eye shadow, body-safe glitter applied directly to the shadow or a fabulous liner with glitter in it. Whichever you go for, this is a great way to improve your cut crease with just a bit of product.
Glitter Sunscreen
Yes, you heard that right. Body-safe glitter can be added to sunscreen to give you a sparkly look anywhere you go. Depending on the sunscreen, it may even be colored glitter, which will really attract attention. It provides the same level of SPF as any other sunscreen, and high-quality products can provide a comfortable finish that looks beautiful on both pale skin and deep skin tones.
Glitter Lips
There are multiple ways you can go about doing glitter lips. You can just find a lip color with a bit of shimmer in it. Similar to the eyeshadow option, a creamy glitter pigment can give you a sparkly appearance in an array of shades. If you really want it to pop, you can use body glitter to actually apply glitter to the lip. This is a bit messier, but with the right combination of products, it’s a truly stunning look.
Add Some Glitter and Go Wild

Glitter is one of the best ways to add some style to your look. Whether you’re applying a glitter eye shadow, adding glitter gel to your cut crease, or just straight-up adding body-safe glitter gel to your collarbones, glitter shines through and creates a look that’s all your own. If you want to get some professional help in developing a beautiful glitter look for a special event, book an Ogle School salon trip to get expert treatment.